Vista Lambro

7 to 8 September 2007

Ponte dei Leoni, Monza (MB)

The city, Monza, its bridges and its inhabitants, movies and videos projected in real time on the water in motion, generated on its dynamics surface and on the river bottom a kaleidoscope of moving images that through the reflections of the water itself, renew the surrounding landscape.

Between the river and the bridge crossed the two movements, natural and cultural elements, nature and human presence.

The reflection allowed not only to mirror and reflect the two movements, but to overlap and to exchange, in a third and still different flow: that of images. The timing of the latter allowed pedestrian to see again, to repeat the movements, to take upon himself the flow of the river and its activities.
Through this represent, the passerby, the man who crossed the bridge, also covered the distance between himself and the natural element in which he was reflected infinitely and in different and new ways.

To reflect themselves, there is also the assumption of ecological responsibility, towards the water and to the river, and the search for an awareness with the area in which you live, and that, in fact just like a river, the man crosses.

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